Welcome to our open enrollment help page where we answer frequently asked questions. If your question is not listed below or if you need more details, please email benefits@TandemHR.com and we will happily assist you.


This open enrollment period is for all Tandem plans with a September 1 renewal date. Not all of your benefits may be renewing at this time. All plans for which you are eligible will be listed in the PeopleHub portal during open enrollment. This may include medical, dental, vision, disability, life insurance and any other ancillary plans. You may also elect 2025 FSA and HSA amounts early. If you have any questions in advance on which of your employer's benefits are renewing, call 630-468-9298. 

Ancillary benefits refer to any benefits offered outside of major medical insurance. Things like dental, vision, disability, and life insurance are examples of ancillary benefits.

You will receive new ID cards if your election includes a new carrier or different plan than previously elected. Everyone enrolling in the Quartz master medical plan will receive new ID cards   

If you are going to receive new ID cards they will be available on or before September 1.

If you do not wish to make any changes to your current elections, simply log in to your employee portal and submit your enrollment form with the same elections. It’s always advised to double check your options and elections every open enrollment period as there may be additional options or premium changes 

No. The only time outside of open enrollment that you may elect benefits is for a qualifying life event such as marriage, divorce, birth/adoption of a child, gain or loss of other coverage, death, or aging out of parental insurance.  

If you fail to log in and elect benefits before the end of open enrollment, your existing elections will carry over to the new plan year. The only exception is if your employer makes any changes to carriers or plan options. Then enrollment is required. Otherwise, you will be dropped from your existing coverage once the current plan year ends. Do not miss out on valuable benefit opportunities!   

The following events allow you to enroll (or un-enroll) from your current benefits plans:  

  • Marriage 
  • Divorce 
  • Birth/adoption of a child 
  • Gain or loss of other coverage 
  • Death 
  • Aging out of parental insurance 

The PeopleHub portal automatically sends reminder emails to all eligible employees throughout the open enrollment window Make sure your email address is updated in the portal Reminders are sent to everyone, so if you complete your enrollment and you are finished, you may disregard the reminder. 

While your benefits plan year is September 1 - August 31, all deductibles follow the calendar year (January - December). Any deductible amounts paid so far will apply to your newly elected plan and continue to accumulate for the remainder of 2024. 

Participants will be able to make early 2025 FSA/HSA elections during this open enrollment period, although they have until December 15, 2024, to make any FSA election changes. HSA changes can be made any time throughout the year. Please reach out to benefits@tandemhr.com for instructions.