If you forgot your PeopleHub password and need to reset it, visit the login screen and click on the "Forgot Password?" link at the bottom of the box. Enter your username and a reset link will be sent to your email address on file. If you do not know your username, click on the "Forgot Username?" link at the bottom of the login screen. Enter your email address on file to receive further instructions. If you are unsure of which email address is on file, contact Your Solution Center at (630) 468-9298, ysc@tandemhr.com, or chat during regular business hours by clicking "Got Questions?" in the lower right-hand side of the Tandem HR website.

If experiencing technical issues, ensure you are using Google Chrome to access the PeopleHub page.

To find current or past W-2 forms, click on the Taxes drop down menu and then click on W-2. A drop down list will appear and feature any W-2 processed by Tandem HR.

W-2s will be posted by January 31 for the previous year.

tandem hr peoplehub w2

On the Pay menu, click on Direct Deposit. Add an account or choose one to change.

Once you have successfully updated your direct deposit information, it will automatically go into the prenote stage which can take anywhere from 7-10 business days to process. This process is necessary to ensure that the banking information we received is accurate and any money is deposited into the correct account. If your pay date falls anytime during this 7-10 day period, you will receive payment as you have been (paper check, cash card, or original direct deposit account).

Tandem HR partners with Kurense to offer employees a cash card option for receiving their pay. To enroll, an employee must fill out a cash card enrollment form here in English or Spanish. Submit it to Your Solution Center. Please note, the U.S. PATRIOT Act requires all financial institutions and their third parties to obtain, verify, and record information that will identify you before opening a cash card. All cash card requests will be processed within 2 business days of the request. Once you receive and activate your card, it can take 5-10 business days for your pay to begin being deposited on the card.

If you are alerted to any changes in PeopleHub that you did not authorize, contact Your Solution Center immediately at (630) 468-9298.

You can change your tax withholding amounts (Form W-4) inside the PeopeHub by expanding the "Taxes" menu on the left and clicking on “Withholding.”  Your current withholding choices will display. To change anything, click on the “Update Forms” button found in the upper right-hand corner. You will be directed to the “Employee Withholding Resource Center” where you may click "Start" to begin guidance through the process of making changes.

In the Benefits menu, click on Benefits Enrollment. Instructions will walk you through the enrollment process.

PeopleHub requires a special code (in addition to your user name and password) to further identify you while you are logging in to the system. This is called Multi Factor Authentication. It’s extremely important due to the amount of personal and secure information within the system.

After entering your user name and password, an Account Access Confirmation box will appear. Choose your email or cell phone on file to receive the MFA code. It should arrive within 30-60 seconds.

If you do not know your username, click on the "Forgot Username?" link at the bottom of the login screen. Enter your email address on file to receive further instructions. If you are unsure of which email address is on file, contact Your Solution Center at (630) 468-9298, ysc@tandemhr.com, or chat during regular business hours by clicking "Got Questions?" in the lower right-hand side of the Tandem HR website.

If experiencing technical issues, ensure you are using Google Chrome to access the PeopleHub page.

The PeopleHub portal is accessible via any device with internet access. Simply visit www.tandemhr.com and click on PeopleHub to login. The same login instructions apply to any device accessing the system.

In PeopleHub, click on My Tandem and then Address. You may then click Change Address under the Resident, Mailing, or W-2 tab. When the mailing or W-2 addresses are left blank, your resident address is used.

On the Pay menu, click on Summary. In this section, you will find your paycheck stubs as well as information on tax withholdings and other deductions. The pay history tab will show any past pay rates throughout your pay history with Tandem HR.