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7 Qualities of A Good Supervisor: How To Recognize Leadership From Within

tandem hr, good supervisor

You might often hear employers lamenting the shortage of senior staffers with experience, motivation, and maturity. While a good supervisor is a vital part of maintaining employee’s productivity and morale, they are hard to come by.

Individuals who are successful in supervisory roles typically possess a combination of interpersonal and management skills alongside an approachable, supportive, and confident personality. A great supervisor can be the most valuable asset to you and your business, setting the tone and leading by example for the entire team.

It is essential that you foster leadership skills to significantly reduce turnover, increase buy-in, and make for committed employees. If you are looking to promote from within, here is how to find those great supervisors and managers in your core team.


1| Interactive Communication Skills

If you don’t have the ability to make your thoughts and desires clear, your employees won’t know how to accomplish the tasks you assign. Equally important is understanding employee feedback. A good supervisor communicates efficiently with their employees and ensures they stay informed about project progress and any problems.


2| Empathy and Compassion

If you can’t place yourself in your employee’s shoes, you won’t be able to lead them effectively. For instance, you should know that a parent can’t work overtime, or an employee going through a hard time might require temporary special considerations. When you are accommodating in the face of genuine needs, your employees will be loyal in return.


3| Ability to Delegate

A great supervisor excels in assigning tasks to employees who are best suited to handle them. The proper delegation will help streamline a project, maximize profitability, and ensure efficiency. On the other hand, poor delegation can compromise a project.


4| Being Flexible

A single approach to management doesn’t work in all situations. Hence a good supervisor will choose tactics based on the situation. For instance, when a deadline nears, you will have to adopt a hard-line approach to ensure the work gets done. Nevertheless, if your employees can’t operate at full speed, you will have to adopt a more relaxed approach during downtime. This will give your employees time to recover their strength.

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5| Maintaining a Positive Attitude

Supervisors who walk into the office every day with a positive attitude make the office environment pleasant. Additionally, positive attitudes are contagious. People usually adopt the attitude of their environment, and being positive is a good one to take on.


6| A Dose of Humility

Though a confident and positive outlook is essential, not all decisions you make will work well. During instances when a project fails or a choice backfires, learn to accept responsibility and learn from the mistake. You can’t simply blame your employees for problems that resulted from your inefficiency or errors. Take a step back, understand what went wrong, and learn from the mistake.


7| Passion for the Organization

Lastly, good managers love the company they work for, appreciate the organization’s objectives, and understand the company culture. They will easily be able to convey to their staff why this is a great place to work, get team members on board, and contribute efficiently to the well-being of the organization.


These essential skills allow managers to efficiently solve any issues they might encounter and prepare for future situations requiring a dedicated supervisor’s oversight.


If you do not have an HR partnerTandem HR is happy to help.
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